Teign_Corporate Plan 2018-2021

4 5 Creating Futures Together / Corporate Plan 2018 - 2021 Foreword It’s the start of a new era for Teign Housing with a new Chair, new Chief Executive and new Corporate Plan. We’re determined to build on our past successes and develop our organisation so that we can continue to provide homes our customers want to live in and services on which they can rely. We want to do more and do better. We’re proud of our place as a strong, local Housing Association. Our size makes us flexible and we’ve been able to serve our community through tailored services, niche developments, strong resident involvement and innovative repairs delivery. That said, our size means that external change can have a significant impact and we’re always looking for ways we can strengthen our business, including how we can be more efficient and in what ways we can work more effectively with partners. This new Corporate Plan updates our vision, values and strategic aims to keep them relevant to our changing operating environment. But while the environment changes around us, our purpose, housing those in need, remains the same. Thank you to the tenants, board members and staff who have been involved in the creation of this new plan. We are “Creating futures together” . Andy Jones Chair of the Board Jo Reece Chief Executive Our business Formed in 2004 following the transfer of homes from Teignbridge District Council, Teign Housing is a well- respected business with a social purpose. We own and manage over 3,600 homes across the Teignbridge district of South Devon. We provide homes for rent at lower than market prices, homes designated for older people with additional needs and shared ownership properties. For our tenants and the wider community we provide a personal alarm and home visit service under the brand TeignCare. Through our commitment to building new homes we are helping to tackle the shortage of good quality affordable housing. Since 2004 our development programme has provided 276 new homes (to end 2017/18) . Our tailored approach has seen us deliver developments of highly energy-efficient, award-winning PassivHaus homes, build within Dartmoor National Park, work with Community Land Trusts as well as deliver a site for New Travellers. Teign is a registered charity and we re-invest our surpluses into our existing homes and into building new ones. Our board is made up of 7 non-executive directors and the Chief Executive who are recruited for their skills and experience and who work closely with the senior management team to ensure Teign delivers its objectives. Teign Housing works within the Social Housing Regulator’s framework. An independent Service Board of residents, our resident Scrutiny Panel and Tenants’ Forum all play a significant part in reviewing the services Teign provides to tenants and making recommendations to the Board and management team.