The Head Start service offers short term support for up to 12 weeks if you are experiencing difficulties. We offer support to reduce debt, prevent evictions, improve living conditions, help you overcome drug and alcohol problems as well as boosting physical and mental wellbeing.


Financial Inclusion

This could include supporting you to apply for benefits, helping you with budgeting, helping you tackle any debts or applying to charitable grants to help you pay for essential items.

Digital Inclusion

Today most things are accessible online which is great, unless you aren’t online yourself. We can help you get online and support you to access the services you need.

Positive Participation

Sometimes we can feel isolated and lonely, especially in the current climate. The Head Start service can work with you to link in with local activities in the community, befriending services and other services to prevent isolation.

Health And Wellbeing

This can involve working with you to improve your physical and mental wellbeing, linking in with support services or directing you to services that offer therapeutic support. We can also work with you to help you live safely in your home and community.


Head Start can only receive referrals from our Neighbourhood, Independence and Wellbeing, and Rents Teams. If you feel you would benefit from a referral to Head Start, please contact either your Neighbourhood or Independence and Wellbeing Advisor who will be happy to help. If you don’t know who this is in your area, please call our Business Support Team on 01626 322722.

Useful links

Money Directory – Designed by our very own Rents and Income Team this provides you all the necessary information to help improve your financial situation
National Debt helpline – Free and confidential debt advice service
National charity that helps people in financial hardship to gain access to welfare benefits, charitable grants and support services
Benefits calculator
Citizen Advice Teignbridge
PinPoint Devon - Help and support services for older adults, families and children, young people and working age adults