Please use this form to contact us. If you would like us to respond to your query, please leave us your contact details. We will acknowledge your message within five working days and, if a full response is required, we will get back to you within 10 working days. Alternatively, you can phone our customer services number on 01626 322722.

    Head office:

    Millwood House

    Collett Way

    Newton Abbot

    TQ12 4PH


    We’re here at the end of the phone and you can call us on 01626 322722, option 2.

    We’d like to get to know you better to ensure that our services meet your needs.

    The majority of residents are providing information about their background when they call us. Please take a moment to answer our questions, as it will help us to target the advice, support and services that we offer our residents.

    If you prefer you can email

    We also offer live online chat which you can access from our website.


    When is the best time to call?

    8.30am – 10.30am – This is our busiest time, so waiting time may be longer than we’d like. – 2pm – You may have to wait a little during this period although we may be busier between 12pm and 2pm.

    2pm – 5pm (4.30pm on a Friday) – You shouldn’t have to wait very long at all to talk to a member of the team.


    Our head office is open to visitors between the hours of 8.30am to 4pm.  If you’d like to come in and take a seat in our reception area someone will come and greet you. Whilst you’re more than welcome to just drop in not all staff will be working in the office every day, so if you want to see a particular member of staff it’s best to make an appointment to save a wasted journey.

    We can easily come to you so you don’t have the inconvenience of coming to Milllwood, or we can meet you in any of your local drop-down zones.

    If someone in your household has tested positive for COVID-19 (or has symptoms), and we’re due to visit you, please let us know on 0800 197 9790 so that we can arrange to carry out the work at another time.

    We will continue to supply hand sanitiser and masks to staff and if we’re working in your home our staff will continue to wear a face covering if you ask them to.

    You can contact us:

    Monday to Thursday 8.30 to 5pm

    Friday 8.30am to 4.30pm

    Customer Hub

    Tel: 01626 322722
    (Calls to Teign Housing may be recorded)


    Repairs and planned maintenance

    Our Planned Maintenance and Repairs are managed by Templer HomeBuild

    Tel: 0800 197 9790

    Outside of working hours when our offices are closed, genuine emergency repairs can be reported over the phone. Please make sure your repair is a genuine emergency before calling.

    You can log all non-emergency repairs online.