It is a single monthly payment for people in or out of work. It replaces some of the benefits and tax credits that you might be getting now including housing benefit, Child Tax Credit and Income Support.
An important thing about Universal Credit, is that there is at least a five-week waiting time for the first payment to land with you, and that you are paid a month in arrears, so you will need to cover this time and have a plan for your rent to avoid any risk of losing your home.
Now is the time to start getting your money organised. We will contact customers on housing benefit for a Keeping in Touch visit. At this visit we will explain what the changes may mean for you, and sort out a direct debit so you can pay something each week/month to get in advance with your rent.
To start a Direct Debit before a visit is arranged, call 01626 322780. If you are asked to apply for Universal Credit, contact us and we will help you through the process.
Check out below for an important opportunity on March 6 to have your questions on Universal Credit answered.