Teign Housing has committed to the Chartered Institute of Housing’s (CIH) ‘Make a Stand’ pledge against Domestic Abuse.
As a medium sized employer with approx 100 members of staff and a landlord for 3600 homes, we have a responsibility to support those colleagues and residents who may be affected by domestic abuse. We know how important it is to help protect people against abuse and we’re proud of the stand we’re making to support our customers, our colleagues, and those affected in our homes.
The commitment of Teign Housing to the ‘Make a Stand’ pledge requires us as an organisation to do the following:
Jack Madge, who recently joined Teign Housing as a Tenancy Enforcement Advisor in November 2019 says, “In today’s society domestic abuse is a very real issue. In 2018, 2 million people were affected by domestic abuse, with two women killed every week. That statistic alone, only represents the domestic abuse we know about. Domestic abuse is something I have personally experienced, and so the opportunity to lead on this work with the full support of the organisation has been overwhelming. I hope the work we are all doing to ‘Make a Stand’ goes some way to protecting and supporting someone who is a victim of domestic abuse”.
We have information about Domestic Abuse and how to get help on our website which you can find by clicking here. This information is also available on our staff intranet and will soon become available on our resident portal. The information we have shared with you includes both local and national support services and their contact details. As well as this, Teign Housing have two nominated Domestic Abuse Champions should you want to report it to us.