The Chartered Institute of Housing is working with See the Person campaign team to tackle the problem of stigma against social housing and the people who live in it. See the Person is led by a group of tenants who are keen to challenge such stigma.
In surveying large numbers of tenants living in council and housing association homes, See the Person has revealed how sometimes, housing organisations, their staff and contractors can reinforce or contribute to the perception and experience of stigma.
Now See the Person and the Chartered Institute of Housing have joined forces to develop a toolkit to help housing organisations and housing professionals tackle stigma. It will help organisations and their staff and contractors think about what they do and how, as well as their behaviours and language, to make sure that these do not demonstrate, create or reinforce stigma against people living in social housing.
They hope that many tenants will want to help to develop the toolkit. You can do this by anonymously answering their short survey here.
The closing date for completing the survey is 23 March.