Coronavirus: an update on antisocial behaviour

We are in unprecedented times where we are spending extended time together in our homes. The knock-on effect of this may mean that you are more aware of noise levels from your neighbours, which may include general household noise and children playing.

It is therefore important we are all trying to remain tolerant and to be considerate for the impact your household noise and behaviour may have on other residents.

Teign Housing is still very much committed to tackling anti-social behaviour and in supporting those most affected by inconsiderate and poor behaviour. We will be using different ways to speak with residents to ensure we are providing the safest and best possible services given our current circumstance. This goes some way to replace our usual offer of a home visit.

The FAQs below capture some of the questions we’ve been recently asked by residents.

It is acknowledged that we simply cannot take a ‘business as usual’ approach as the landscape has fundamentally changed. We will therefore be reviewing our current policy and procedures to create a temporary document with guidance to staff and residents on managing risk and managing expectations.

I would like to say thank you for how understanding you have all been to support the Neighbourhood Team during this period of uncertainty. It goes without saying that these are difficult times and we are all in this together.

You can contact us via webchat at, by emailing or phoning on 01626 322722.




Will you still be investigating anti-social behaviour (ASB)?

Yes – we will continue to investigate reports of anti-social behaviour and support our customers, residents and communities in tackling this. Whilst we cannot offer home visits during this period, we will be using phones and online chat or video conferencing to support us in our work and ensure we are providing the safest and best possible service. We are also working very closely with our partners such as Police and the Council to ensure incidences are being dealt with as they arise. If you need to report anti-social behaviour you can use our online reporting form by clicking here. If you know someone without internet access who needs our help, they can phone us, but please be aware that our phone lines are busier than normal.

I am suffering from domestic abuse. Can you help me?

Unfortunately for some of our residents, home may not be a place of safety, particularly at this time. However, we are very much committed to supporting you in overcoming this issue and help can be found. Naomi Metcalfe and Jack Madge our two nominated domestic abuse champions will be available to talk to you and can provide you with advice on a range of support services. We also continue to work closely with partners in order to combat domestic abuse and create safe environments for our victims. Further information can be found on our website by clicking here.

If you are in immediate danger, please call 999 and ask for the police.

I am worried about my neighbour or a family member living in one of your homes. What should I do?

During these uncertain times it is vitally important we look out for one another’s welfare and help protect those most at risk. If you are concerned about the welfare of anyone living in our homes or concerned about your own wellbeing please contact us, we may be able to help you.

If you or someone you know is at immediate risk of harm, please call 999.

Can children still use the playgrounds and skateparks?

In line with government policy to help avoid the spread of COVID-19, you must not enter playgrounds or play on any of the equipment until further notice. We appreciate this isn’t easy during the holidays and especially when the weather is warm, but it is essential that we all protect the most vulnerable residents at this time.


My neighbour isn’t socially distancing. What should I do?

The single most important action we can all take, in fighting coronavirus, is to stay at home in order to protect the NHS and save lives.

Stay at home

  • Only go outside for food, health reasons or essential work
  • Stay two metres (6ft) away from other people
  • Wash your hands as soon as you get home.

Anyone can spread the virus.

When we reduce our day-to-day contact with other people, we will reduce the spread of the infection. That is why the government has introduced three key measures.

  1. Requiring people to stay at home, except for very limited purposes.
  2. Closing non-essential shops and community spaces.
  3. Stopping all gatherings of more than two people in public.

Everyone must comply with these new measures. The relevant authorities, including the police, will be given the powers to enforce them – including through fines and dispersing gatherings. has detailed advice on what is and what isn’t permitted.

If you are concerned about a regular, noisy gathering and people not following social distancing, please call the police on 101 to report this. You can also email them on

Please use our online form or email us at to report incidents. Although we cannot immediately attend and don’t have the power to break up such groups, we can provide you with diary sheets if the problem is repeatable and you’ve had required police involvement. This could then be used in any court action to seek an injunction for persistent offenders.