Consultation on new Tenant Satisfaction Measures for social housing landlords

The Regulator of Social Housing is the government body that oversees the work of social housing providers like Teign Housing. The Regulator makes sure that we meet required finance and governance standards, and that we deliver services well.


The Regulator wants to hear from tenants about the satisfaction measures it has developed. This will help to bring about the changes recommended in the Social Housing White Paper.

There are 22 proposed tenant satisfaction measures that social housing landlords will be asked to measure and publish annually, starting from April 2023. Twelve of the measures will be collected directly from resident satisfaction surveys and will cover the following themes:

  • Overall satisfaction
  • Keeping properties in good repair
  • Maintaining building safety
  • Effective handling of complaints
  • Respectful and helpful engagement
  • Responsible neighbourhood management

There is an easy read consultation leaflet with alternatives ways of giving your feedback without completing the survey , please click here to access it.

You need to read several documents on the Regulator’s website before you complete the survey. You might like to read the summary document first to find out more.  This also lists the pages to look at in the main consultation document when considering each of the questions. Click here.


To look at all the consultation documents and complete the consultation survey, visit the Regulator’s webpage, click here.


If you would like some assistance completing the consultation or would like to find out more, please email or call Julie on 01626 322751.


The consultation closes at 6.30pm on Thursday 3 March 2022.